2015年7月22日 星期三


10天的浸潤式全英語課程是如何產生的?答案是需要學校領導層級的理念及全校行政與教師全方位的支援,包含食宿、接送、課程與教學、休閒及軟硬體等。沒有 鐘點、沒有交通補助、犧牲假日及自行墊錢與自掏腰包補貼等等。問為什麼要這麼辛苦?答說因為孩子們可以受惠、可以自然的講英文。

心得: 覺得很感動! 雖然沒有機會站在舞台上享受光環,但他們是默默付出的真英雄。
2015 Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Program:
With this natural environment created for students to apply what they learned from textbooks in this English immersion program, it's exciting to see that they're getting used to using the language to interact with those native speakers.
A million thanks to those unsung heroes who made this possible.

